
Steroid Cycles for Novice

Leslee/ Sales Rep.
Email: leslee.li@landmarkchem.com
Skype: landmark-leslee

Landmark Nutraceuticals Co., Limited

NOVICE Steroid CYCLES AND GEAR CHOICE...those men not yet at their natural max.

Best to take single roids when you start out, and preferably testosterone for two reasons#1. you don't need to stack to see good results and #2. it is a good idea to get a good grasp on how you react to the best single hormone out there...testosterone( in the gains department and sides department)

Steroid CYCLE #1

Understanding that few want to take as little as 250 of test a week and most want to see gains as rapidly as possible I will then recommend 400-500mg of testosterone cypionate or enanthate per week for the newbie. DURATION 8-12 weeks with an equal time off.

Always have an estrogen blocker available like nolvadex at 20mg/day or at least clomid at 50mg/day...nolva works better though

You get the most even blood level by injecting these esters twice a week....so 200-250mg twice a week will be more than enough. 

SHORT CYCLE OPTION 4-6 weeks but with test prop at 100mg every other day....lots of shots though.

Steroid CYCLE OPTION #2.

D-bol only at 30mg/day in 4 divided dose and one just before bed.
The only roid that is better than test IN THE SHORT RUN is d-bol...a truly UNREAL steroid and a favorite for over 40 years. D-bol was discovered way back in 1956 and quickly became a favorite of the pro's. D-bol only cycles work VERY WELL so don't let anyone BS you about them. They have been done by many over the last 45 years.

Nolva on hand.

* limit time "on' d-bol to 6 weeks as it is 17aa and can be hard on the liver.

MYTH:..some say that the gains from d-bol do not last...this is BS....the truth is the gains IN WATER from d-bol don't last so it SEEMS lilke the muscle gains don't last. Any steroid taken at bodybuilding doses, even at newbie doses, is going to shut down HPTA all the way so you can see that this "loss of muscular gains" ideation makes no sence.

NOTE: There is one steroid that is quite mild androgenically but seems to result in delayed HPTA recovery IN SOME(not me btw) and it is not d-bol...it is nandrolone, commonly used in the deconate ester(DECA) We don't understand why some bro's have a little trouble recuperating from this roid but it is a fact non the less.

Steroid CYCLE #3.

Test cyp or enanthate at 400-500mg/week for 8-12 weeks
d-bol 30mg/day in divided dose for the first 4 weeks. 
This is a powerful combo indeed. The d-bol really gets things moving in a hurry.

Trouble with this stack is that you are going to experience a good deal of water retention and"bloat". An estrogen inhibitor like arimidex at .5-1mg/day might be a good idea....but now it is getting overly complicated for many novices.

Short cycle option....test prop 100mg every other day and d-bol 30mg/day for 4-6 weeks.

Have nolva on hand for sure! Estrogen inhibitors DO NOT work well for gyno protection...USE an estrogen blocker like nolva.

Steroid CYCLE #4 for the "gutsy" newbie

Test at 400mg/week
tren a 75mg every other day.
Really good stack but it requires a lot of injecting so you better get your research done in this regard. Can do it shot the short cycle too.

Steroid CYCLE #5.

A classic again...test/deca at 250mg each for 8-12 weeks

Steroid CYCLE #6

yet another proven winner
Deca at 400mg/week for 10 weeks 
d-bol 30mg/day for 4 weeks
really nice synergistic combo here.

After each cycle take at least an equal time "off" from gear to allow your system to fully normalize.


Injectable Recipes

Leslee/ Sales Rep.
Email: leslee.li@landmarkchem.com
Skype: landmark-leslee

Landmark Nutraceuticals Co., Limited
Some of the recipes below are our own formulation or formulations from the Labs that we supply.

All recipes here are for making 10ml (the equivalent of 1 x 10ml Vial, so if you wish to make 40ml multiply the recipe by four or 100ml multiply it by 10, by giving you the recipe for 10ml we make it easy for you to calculate the recipe for any quantity.*The Oil we recommend is Grapeseed Oil. We will abbreviate Benzyl Alcohol to BA and Benzyl Benzoate to BB.

Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - 10ml
6.44ml Oil
2.5g Testosterone Enanthate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
1ml BB (10%)

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.92ml Oil
1g Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) 200mg/ml - 10ml
6.03ml Oil
2g Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.89ml Oil
1g Testosterone Popionate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.95ml Oil
1g Trenbolone Acetate*Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate) 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.95ml Oil
1g Drostanolone Propionate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Equipose (Boldenone Undecylenate) 250mg/ml - 10ml
5.88ml Oil
2.5g Boldenone Undecylenate Liquid
0.2ml BA (2%)
1.8ml BB (18%)

Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.95ml Oil
1g Methenolone Enanthate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) 250mg/ml - 10ml
7.24ml Oil
2.5g Nandrolone Decanoate*Powder
0.3ml BA (3%)
1.5ml BB (15%)

Sustanon (Four Ester Testosterone Blend) 250mg/ml - 10ml
7.125ml Oil
0.3g Testosterone Propionate Powder
0.6g Testosterone Phenylpropionate Powder
0.6g Testosterone Isocaproate Powder
10g Testosterone Decanoate Powder
0.25ml BA (2.5%)
0.75ml BB (7.5%)

Injectable Stanozolol (Winstrol) Suspension 100mg/ml*- 10ml (UNTESTED)
1g Stanozolol
0.3ml BA (3%)
2.4ml BB (24%)

0.3ml PS80 (Polysorbate 80) (3%)
Combine Stanozolol Powder, BA, BB, PS80 and heat until clear whils swirling or using a stir bar
Filter slowly with a Sterile 0.22um Filter/Syringe filter directly into a Sterile Vial/Media Bottle
Filter the Destilled water with a NEW (Different)*Sterile 0.22um Filter into the Vial - Keep swirling as you filter in the distilled water.
Shake the Winstrol in the Vial/Media Bottle vigorously for a few minutes.
BOOM! You now have 10ml of Stanozolol / Winstrol Suspension @ 100mg/ml
NOTE: Your final solution will look a little foamy or airty. After you have shaken it vigorously let it sit untouched for 3 days. You will see it settle and the water become seperate on top, this is usual. This will not ve very micronised and settling out will take days so do not be concerned.


What is the full steroid cycle ?

Leslee/ Sales Rep.
Email: leslee.li@landmarkchem.com
Skype: landmark-leslee

Landmark Nutraceuticals Co., Limited
More and more bodybuilders are using steroids, but they know little about steroid cycle. 
The key components to a complete steroid cycle are: 
  1.  Front end loading-this cuts down on wasted time in the beginning of your cycle waiting for the doses to reach full therapeutic levels . The use of orals in the beginning of a cycle is a popular component of a cycle. While it is not a necessity, it too is a (different) type of front end load. For the advanced Bodybuilder, Dbol should be taken in the beginning of a cycle as well as loading the injectables since the anabolic response from Dbol is alleged to be by a different mechanism than most injectables. If one had to chose between a Dbol load and and injectable load, in most cases, the injectable load should be preferred over the Dbol load.
  2.  Injection frequency- This is crucial to obtaining even blood concentrations of androgens. Ideally, the more often injected, the better. An acceptable rule of thumb is "inject at half of the half life." For instance, if the half life of a steroid is 7 days, this should be injected at least twice weekly. For cycles that involve multiple injectables, the injections should be fractioned out and divided up based on the injectable with the shortest half life. For instance, if you were doing a test propionate and deca cycle, the old school way to do it would be to inject the prop EOD and the deca once a week. Both compounds should not be viewed as separate, but together with total androgen concentration taken into consideration. If you injected the deca only once a week, probably along with one of the propionate injections, that day will have a much larger spike on total blood androgen concentrations. Instead, the deca should be split up and taken with the propionate injections, EOD. This way there is no one day of the week that has a "spike" and even blood concentrations are maintained throughout the week. 
  3. 3) Ending the cycle- Switching to shorter esters toward the end of a cycle makes perfect sense however not too many guys incorporate this practice- perhaps because of the lack of variety of drugs. The modern cycle should include replacing long ester injectables with shorter ones so that recovery time is made more efficient. The necessity of switching to shorter esters toward the end of a cycle depends on the type of drugs used. Longer esters such as deca and equipoise should be replaced with shorter acting versions of these compounds no later than four weeks before the end of a cycle. Medium length esters such as t-enanthate and cypionate should be replaced no later than three weeks before the end of a cycle. A couple examples of appropriate replacements are: trenbolone acetate and testosterone propionate. There is no need to "load" these compounds in the middle of a cycle since 1) they are already "fast acting" and 2) blood androgen concentrations are already high.
  4. 4) Recovery With the replacement of the faster acting injectables toward the end of a cycle, the "wasted" time between the end of a cycle and beginning of clomid therapy is reduced. For instance, if 100mg TA is used ED, clomid therapy may begin in as little as 5 days after the last shot. This tremendously improves time efficiency. Clomid Or post cycle therapy usually last for four weeks.

When the above recommendations are made, your cycle itself is made much more efficient and if recovery time is made more efficient as well, time "off" AAS may very well be reduced so that the overall efficiency of AAS use over time is tremendously improved.


Convert Steroid Powders into an Injectable form

Leslee/ Sales Rep.
Email: leslee.li@landmarkchem.com
Skype: landmark-leslee

Landmark Nutraceuticals Co., Limited
A how to version of converting steroid powders into an injectable form with pictures. This steroid conversion is meant for the longer estered anabolic steroids such as deca durabolin, testosterone enanthate, trenbolone enanthate etc. This is a very easy conversion method. Please keep your area as sterile as possible, The more sterile you are when converting steroids, the less chance you have for a bacteria released abscess.
Also. Please make sure you know the laws in your country pertaining to steroids. 

Step 1
Weigh out 10 grams of steroid powders
This will create 40mls at 250/ml of powders such as deca, tren enanthate, test enanthate

Step 2 
Add Solvents and oil to the Beaker 

24.50 mls of oil (preferred is grape seed oil) 
0.80mls BA = benzyl alcohol
7.20mls BB = benzyl benzoate 

Step 3 
Add Your steroid powder to the Beaker containing oil and solvents 

Step 4 Stir steroid powder into solution 
Step 5 

Using a pan slightly filled with water. Warm the solution until everything becomes clear
Step 6A view from the bottom of the beaker showing clear steroid solution 
Step 7 Attach 22guage needle to the whatman syringe filter 

Step 8 Swab the top of the vial with alcohol wipes to sterilize it 
Step 9 Insert the 20guage syringe filtered needle into the septum of the vial (the rubber piece) 
Step 10 Insert the second need;e tip into the septum to vent the pressure that will build from injecting the solution into the vial 
Step 11 
Draw up the warmed solution. Having it warmed will speed up the process and make it easier to filter 
Step 12 Attach the barrel of the syring to the whatman syringe filter. push the solution through the whatman syringe filter into the sterile vial. Use constant pressure. It will only trickle. Be sure not to apply immense pressure as that will split the syringe filter and you will have a mess everywhere 
Step 13 
Detach the syringe barrel from the whatman syringe filter and draw up another 10mls of your steroid solution. Reattach to the syring filter and filter it into the new sterile vial. . 
If using 10ml vials, Just repeat steps 9 thru 12 filtering 10mls of the solution in each of the vials

Final product Your choice as to which size vial you use. You will end up with either One 40ml vial or Two 20ml vials or Four 10mls vials at 250mg/ml


What you should do during taking steroid

Leslee/ Sales Rep.
Email: leslee.li@landmarkchem.com
Skype: landmark-leslee

Landmark Nutraceuticals Co., Limited
Some clients asked landmark sales what they should do to improve the effect during taking the steroid.The following is some suggestions come from our client who got a good result in the bodybuilding game.
1. High-intensity training: The human organism vehemently refuses any unnecessary change since it feels best in a constant condition, a homeostasis. In order to lure it out of its passivity, several efforts and exertions must be made. The signal that the body needs in order to build up strength and muscle mass is triggered by heavy, hard, and intense training routines. These should consist of relatively few sets. Five to eight sets for large muscle groups and three to four sets for small muscle groups are completely sufficient when every set is carried out until muscle failure.
2.Training with relatively low repetitions: The body has two different types of muscle fibers: Since the muscle hypertrophy almost completely occurs in the fast-twitch white muscle fibers of type 2, a sensible bodybuilding workout must be developed in a way that these are sufficiently stimulated. For this purpose relatively few, heavy reps in the range of 6-10 are suitable.
3. Training with progressively heavier weights: In order to build up massive muscles they must be challenged and exposed to regular progressively-higher resistances. This can be achieved when the athlete continuously increases the weight during exercises. The stronger the muscles the larger their appearance. There is no mass without power. The basic exercises such as squats, bench presses, presses behind the neck, rows, barbell curls, dips, etc. are the most suitable.
4. Sufficient rest periods: The muscles are stimulated through training but only grow during their rest phase. The higher the intensity, the higher the damage of the muscle cell and the longer the resting phase. When you train with adequate intensity you simply cannot train each and every day nor should you attack a muscle twice a week. Learn to accept rest and recovery as important factors of your training success. Every day you train in the GYM should be followed by a complete off day. Bodybuilders who are interested in an optimal strength and muscle gain should train every muscle once very intensely every 7-8 days.
5. Plateau and phase training: The body can be put under maximum stress only for a limited time. If this time is exceeded, development comes to a stop and if continued the performance will regress. For this reason the intensity and extent of the training program should be changed every 12-14 weeks. The athlete should enjoy several days off training and then change to a several-week long maintenance training (plateau training).


What is the raw steroid powder Recipe of Dianabol for injection ?

Leslee/ Sales Rep.
Email: leslee.li@landmarkchem.com
Skype: landmark-leslee

Landmark Nutraceuticals Co., Limited

Dianabol raw steroid powder Recipe for injection

The most prominently used steroid in the performance enhancing scene is Dianabol . Over the past few decades, it has been the mainstay for professional and amateur athletes alike. Other forms of steroids come and go, some with promise of being the next best thing, but Dianabol is without a doubt the most reliable steroid of all.
Today  let’s talk about Dianabol oral cooking and its  function :
Powder: per 1 gram of Methandrostenolone
Produces: Highest concentration made - 50 mg/ml

1 gram of Methandrostenolone powder
1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
19 ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol
 Suggested Cycles :
A suggested initial course of 20-30mg a day over 4-6 weeks should give users satisfactory results, and encourage them to push on to a more advanced and beneficial cycle.A user’s daily dosage of 20-30mg per day should be spread out over 3-4 times (We recommend you take them before meals). This is usually done an hour or so before exercise. This technique will give users a surreal and powerful feeling of increased performance during their training.
 Good Recommendation:
There is always a good combination with Dianabol such as :  oxandrolone (Anavar) ,  Anadrol, anastrozole (Arimidex) , letrozole , ClomidNolvadex, or toremifene
First and foremost, you’ll need to buy Dianabol and start taking it. Start with a low dosage to see how your body reacts, and then start to work out heavily. You’ll want to focus on lifting, and doing a regimen that is relatively strict. Remember, you want to maximize your success, and that requires some time working out, and lifting specifically. Target your key muscles, and do not let up. You should be doing this anyways, but just in case you aren’t sure, it’s imperative that you continue on this path..
The second thing that you’ll need to do is change your diet. Get strict with your diet, and make sure that it includes a great deal of proteins. When you’re taking steroids like Dianabol, it works best with additional natural occurring protein in the body. When the two connect at the molecular level, you’ll see rapid improvement in recovery, This might seem a bit odd, but it’s definitely worthwhile, and results will start working immediately.



Steroid VS Human Growth Hormone

Leslee/ Sales Rep.
Email: leslee.li@landmarkchem.com
Skype: landmark-leslee

Landmark Nutraceuticals Co., Limited
As we all know, steroid and Human Growth Hormone is the most basic products for bodybuilding.So many people will have the error idea: Anabolic Steroids and the Human Growth Hormone are exceedingly similar products. In fact, there are only two similarities between them:one is ,both are synthesized and secreted in the human body, and the other is, both are necessary for normal growth and development.
Now I will tell you the difference.
Source: The Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a protein based hormone, secreted by the Adenohypophysis or the anterior portion of the Pituitary Gland; Anabolic Steroids are drugs that are derived from, and imitate the actions and effects of the male hormones Testosterone and Dihydotestosterone.
Functions:The Human Growth Hormone controls a host of important functions and metabolic processes in the body, and hence, is called the key hormone. It stimulates cell reproduction and tissue repair, governs the replacement of the cells, directs the working of various enzymes and hormones, and controls brain functions. HGH is responsible for normal growth and development in children and adolescents, and, in adults, it performs the chief function of sustaining muscle mass, maintaining ideal body weight, boosting energy levels, providing vigor, and staving off aging; 
Anabolic Steroids are performance-enhancing drugs or Ergogenic aids (substances that improve and augment performance), that are used expansively by athletes and body builders (albeit illegally). Steroids enhance protein synthesis in the body, augment lean muscle mass, improve stamina and strength, boost physical endurance, and promote bone growth.
The bottom line is, steroids make you stronger and slower, but HGH improves your hand-eye coordination and eye sight, which allow you to make better contact with the ball
However, whether, using HGH sprays, powders, or pills, it is vitally important that you make a thorough study of the product, read up facts and research articles, and most importantly, consult your physician / endocrinologist before embarking on to HGH therapy. Make the best - informed and most cautious decision, based on what is appropriate for you.


Advantages of Bodybuilding Supplements on Your Body

Leslee/ Sales Rep.
Email: leslee.li@landmarkchem.com
Skype: landmark-leslee

Landmark Nutraceuticals Co., Limited
Bodybuilding supplements can adjust your physical appearance for the better. They can also have a positive effect in other parts of your life too, such as your overall wellbeing. It is unlucky that lots of people don’t feel well sufficient informed to start using bodybuilding supplements.
If you are new to bodybuilding supplements, the first thing you will need is protein. The first step on your road to fantastic muscles is a good quality protein. Whey protein is ideal for taking within thirty minutes after your workout, because it absorbs faster into your muscles than any other type. However, if you want a slower absorbing protein then you should consider casein and this would be more suitable to take before bed as it absorbs much more slowly. Whether you are looking to become a professional body builder or put on a little muscle to impress the Mrs., protein is the one supplement you cannot do without.
Another popular bodybuilding supplement is creatine and coupled with protein will accelerate your muscle growth. Creatine comes in several forms including pills and powders but they all work with the same effectiveness. This is one of the best ways to grow your muscles faster because it allows you to push yourself harder during your workouts and will help the recovery time, decreasing soreness and stiffness. It’s no wonder why it has quickly become the go to supplement for many exercise enthusiasts. For many people, finding the energy to pick up the weights and start lifting is the biggest hurdle they have to overcome. There are even bodybuilding supplements that will help with this too! If you want to maintain your focus and make your workout more intense, you should try Jack3d, which is a pre-workout supplement. There are several forms of these supplements out there and they will definitely give you the boost you need to make sure you’re getting the most out of your time at the gym.
Additional part of your workout program is glutamine. If you are considering a good all round bodybuilding supplement then you ought to try glutamine, it will improve your general wellbeing and can benefit in many areas of your health. It will help your muscle growth and stop the body from breaking down muscle tissue instead of fat. Providing you have the drive and determination, adding the right bodybuilding supplements will turn you into an Adonis in no time.
Article Source: EzineArticles


Good News:High Purity Growth Steroid Hormone with Best Price!!!

Leslee/ Sales Rep.
Email: leslee.li@landmarkchem.com
Skype: landmark-leslee

Landmark Nutraceuticals Co., Limited

1. Product description:Human Growth Steroid Hormone is not only one of the most beneficial hormones our body produces, but one of the most sought after in exogenous form. In an exogenous form, Human Growth Steroid Hormone is identical to the naturally produced hormone, and represents not only one of the most beneficial exogenous hormones but one of the most well-tolerated among men and women. Its high level of toleration applies not only to medicinal use but performance enhancement as well. The use of these STH somatotropic hormone compounds offers the athlete three performance-enhancing effects. STH (somatotropic hormone) has a strong anabolic effect and causes an increased protein synthesis which manifests itself in a muscular hypertrophy (enlargement of muscle cells) and in a muscular hyperplasia (increase of muscle cells.) The latter is very interesting since this increase cannot be obtained by the intake of steroids. This is probably also the reason why STH is called the strongest anabolic hormone. The second effect of STH is its pronounced influence on the burning of fat. It turns more body fat into energy leading to a drastic reduction in fat or allowing the athlete to increase his caloric intake. Third, and often overlooked, is the fact that STH strengthens the connective tissue, tendons, and cartilages which could be one of the main reasons for the significant increase in strength experienced by many athletes. Several bodybuilders and powerlifters report that through the simultaneous intake with steroids STH protects the athlete from injuries while inereasing his strength.The use of Human Growth Steroid Hormone was first successful in 1958. At this time, Human Growth Steroid Hormone was a pituitary extract; it was directly extracted from the pituitary of human cadavers. In 1985, the U.S. FDA would ban its use. Extracted Human Growth Steroid Hormone had been successful in many treatment plans, but it also proved to carry with it strong unsanitary disadvantages. In fact, pituitary Human Growth Steroid Hormone was linked to CJD, a degenerative brain disorder that is fatal. However, very few fell prey to CDJ, approximately 1% of all users, but this was enough for the FDA to impose a ban.2.Application: Growhormone(Blue Top), also known as human growhormone, typically used for the treatment of dwarfism. It has anabolic effects, may increase muscular physique, but also for people in childhood and adolescence, bone growth, and strengthen the tendons and increase the internal organs.Athletes using growhormone primarily for building muscle and increasing strength.Different organs of the body can fight aging, elimination of sub-health status, providing the body the energy of youth organ recovery chain, to improve the sensitivity of peripheral and central nervous system cell viability, inhibit the body's organs aging. Full body can adjust to the young state.Because HG can improve physiological decline caused by premature aging, deep sleep regulation, improve fatigue, looking shiny, red, hair loss, reduced abdominal fat reduction,improved immune system. After a course of treatment using the body's physiological functions of tissues and organs return to the level 5 years ago, played a fundamental life and health, the excellent anti-aging effect.3. Specificaton: 



Test Results


colorless, clear and transparent solution





In conformity with Standard

In conformity with Standard

Related Proteins

In conformity with Standard

In conformity with Standard

Peptide Mapping

In conformity with Standard

In conformity with Standard






Related Proteins

No more then 8.0%


High Molecular Weight Protein

No more then 3.0%


SDS-PAGE purity

Scanning not less than 95.0%


Bacterial endotoxins:

No more then 5EU/mg


E.coli DNA Residue

No more then 10ng/mg


Host-cell-derived proteins

No more then 15ng/mg






Fulfill with Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of
China(2005 Volume ) Specifications


RP-HPLC purity >93%;
Content of the monomer:SDS-PAGE>99%,HPLC>98%
Amino aicid assay: 191 AA

4.  Our advantages:(1),Our company is a professional production leading factory in China in pharmaceutical area of many years,our products have exported to USA,Greece, Spain, UK, Australia and other countries, and we have got very good feedback from our customers, we had established a long friendly relations.            (2), High quality, best price, first-class service, high successful delivery rate.(3), We have stock, so we can delivery quickly at the very day when receive the payment.Note: Our products list:Tren raw Powder Tren Base 10161-33-8Tren Acetate 10161-34-9Tren Enanthate 10161-33-8 Methyltren- (Metribol-) 965-93-5 Tren- Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate 23454-33-3 Bold raw powder Bold Acetate 846-46-0Bold Cypionate 106505-90-2Bold Undecylenate(EQ) 13103-34-9 Drostanol- raw powder Drostanol- Enanthate 472-61-145Drostanol- Propionate(Masteron) 521-12-017a-Methyl-Drostanol- (Methaster-) 3381-88-2 Methenol- raw powder Methenol- Acetate 434-05-9Methenol- Enanthate (primobolin) 303-42-4 Other raw powder Oxand (Anavar) 53-39-4Oxymeth (Anadrol) 434-07-1Methandrosteno-(Dianabol) 72-63-9Stano Coarse (Winstrol) 10418-03-8Stano Micronized (Winstrol) 10418-03-8 Anti-Estrogen raws Anastro-(Arimidex) 120511-73-1Clomifene Citrate (Clomid) 50-41-9Tamoxifen Citrate (Novadex) 10540-29-1